Contractor Information

Re: Workplace Health & Safety

Schools are busy and constantly changing environments. Children are by their nature inquisitive and they do not always evaluate the consequences of their actions. It is therefore critical that risks arising from contract work are managed to ensure children, as well as other members of the school community, are protected from harm. This will require action from both the contractor and the school to adequately plan contract work, to communicate effectively during the work and to remain ever vigilant in assessing and managing risks.

All contractors undertaking work at All Saints Catholic Primary School must ensure that they receive a copy of the Contractor Workplace Health & Safety Pack. This document needs to be read and understood by you so that your company may undertake work at our school.

This pack complies with the procedure recommended by the Archdiocese of Brisbane, Catholic Education for managing the potential health and safety risks associated with contractors working in schools.

For long-term or regular contractors, such as cleaners or electricians, this pack must be re-issued every twelve months, and the Contractor Induction Register signed accordingly.

Should you have any queries in relation to the Pack please contact the Principal on 3264 3695 or email the school at

Access Procedure

When working on the school site, contractors shall report to the office and sign in prior to commencing work each day. A badge will be issued which must be worn at all times. Contractors shall return the badge and sign out before leaving the site each day.

Emergency Evacuation

The emergency evacuation signal is the sounding of a siren for approximately one minute. The designated assembly area is the oval. You must report to the school contractor liaison person. Evacuation Routes

Site Plan

Please click here for a site plan of the school.

Useful Links

Workplace Health & Safety (Queensland Government)

Risk Management Code of Practice (Queensland Government)