Student Leadership at All Saints provides all boys and girls in Years 5 and 6 the chance to be active leaders amongst the All Saints Community. The Leadership program has two distinct phases, Year 5 “Leaders to Be Program” and the Year 6 Leadership Program. Both programs offer the students a chance to take action and lead their school through a wide variety of initiatives.
All Saints provides Year 5 and Year 6 students with the skills to be great leaders now and into the future when they leave All Saints as graduates.
Year 5 Leadership
- 5/6 WIFI Conference - Walking into the Future Intelligently
- Year Formation Day
- Year 5 & 6 BCE Formation Day
- Student Voice through Year 6 Parliament
- Buddies
Year 6 – Leadership Program
- Canberra Leadership Experience
Year 5 & 6 WIFI Conference - Walking into the Future Intelligently
- Social Skills Program
- Year 6 Leadership Retreat
- Year 6 Student Parliament
- Social Justice and Fundraising
- Lead whole school assemblies
- Sports Leaders
- Prep Buddies
- Extra Sporting Opportunities –
Catholic Colleges Netball, T20 Cricket Blast
- Christian Leadership Award
- Sportsperson of the Year Award
- Academic Achievement Award
- Paul Burnett Quiet Achiever Award
Student Leadership Roles Explained
Creation We Care Leaders X 2
Pope Francis has called all of us to take care of our Common Home – the earth. Creation We Care Leaders will demonstrate ways of living in harmony with and caring for God's creation, and consider ways to work together towards a solution to environmental issues in the school community. Father Ron Mollison created a community that strives to look after the environment and one another
Social Action Leaders X 2
Throughout Jesus' life, he showed and taught about a commitment to service and justice. Based on the principles of Catholic Social Teachings and their knowledge of Jesus' teachings, Social Action Leaders will consider ways that everyone at All Saints can live and act with a concern and compassion for the those in need. Mary Mackillop's famous saying “Never see a need without doing something about it" will be a guiding light.
Hospitality Leaders X 2
Francis Xavier travelled the world spreading Jesus message. He was known for his joy, faith and enthusiasm in welcoming people like Jesus did. He believed strongly in the principle that we are all created in the image and likeness of God. Based on this principle, Hospitality Leaders will extend welcome to all visitors and be ambassadors for our school.
Cultural Leaders X 2
Catherine McAuley called followers to 'animate all around us'. The Arts gives an expression to the love and mercy of God. Cultural Leaders at All Saints will raise awareness of the Arts and languages and promote them in the school community.
House Captains X 8
The communion of saints continue to encourage us to strive to be our personal best to draw us closer to Jesus. At All Saints we work together as a team in achieving our personal best.
- Mollison X2
- McAuley X2
- Mackillop X2
- XavierX2
© Brisbane Catholic Education, All Saints Parish Primary School (2023)