Fees & Fee Collection Policy

Revised May 2008


We at All Saints, believe in a just and equitable fee structure. To allow the school to function effectively, the collection of fees is necessary. We encourage families to pay fees, but recognise that financial circumstances vary.


  1. Fees are set in Term 4 of the preceding year, as part of the budget formulation process, by the Principal in consultation with the Administration secretary. BCEC recommendations are taken into account in this process. The budget and fee structure are presented to the Parish Finance Council for approval.
  2. Parents are advised of fees and levies in a detailed letter in the first week of the school year. A form in this letter invites parents to apply to the Principal for fee concession if they have such a need. These concessions are confidential. Only the Principal and Administration secretary are aware of them.
  3. Fee accounts are sent out once a term. Fees and levies can be paid for the year, by the term or monthly.
  4. Fees are due on the following dates:- March 7, May 7, August 7 and November 7.
  5. At the above due dates account reminders are sent to all families in arrears.
  6. A letter from the Principal follows if the arrears are not paid.
  7. The Principal telephones families who have not responded to these reminders at the end of each term. Arrangements are made for payment or concession at this time.
  8. Parents who do not respond to reminders, are referred to the debt collector for recovery of fees.